Author: Medicine Malaysia

Healthcare Moving Forward

In the era of COVID 19 There is no denying that the COVID19 pandemic has accelerated change in the healthcare sector. Pushing the use of technology in every facet of healthcare delivery has now reached a new level of urgency, in view of a likely prolonged pandemic scenario. Importantly, the use of technology must not Read More

It’s Official: Study Shows Dr Google Really Is Wrong More Often Than Not

PETER DOCKRILL 24 MAY 2020  When people feel unwell, researching symptoms online is one of the easiest and quickest ways to find information that might be able to help explain the problem. Unfortunately, getting a DIY diagnosis via the internet is likely to be wrong more often that not, according to new research that might make you think Read More

Moving on

Ending the MCO too soon? It is clear the Government was hasty when it announced rather suddenly that most businesses can now operate from May 4th, literally 3 days before. They are expected to follow “strict” standard operating procedures, which includes social distancing, hand sanitisers, frequent disinfection and limiting the number of workers in the Read More